Can I Trade Bits From Ads For Real Money

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In this review we expose the Bitcoin Bank scam that was designed to make you lose money in cryptocurrency trading with bitcoin.

We have tested Bitcoin Bank and in our review we explain in details what Bitcoin Bank is, how it is not legit and secure, that it is a scam and what you have to do to stay safe.

What is Bitcoin Bank

Bitcoin Bank is a group that gives access to a bitcoin trading system. The Bitcoin Bank app was designed to work on autopilot and generate daily profits form cryptocurrency trading.


According to its official website, the main features of Bitcoin Bank are:

  • The quickest and most consistent trading app currently on the market
  • Performs at a 99.4% level of accuracy (winning virtually every trade)
  • Awarded trading system
  • Free of charge, no hidden fees
  • Requires only 20 minutes of your time per day

The website also states that some Bitcoin Bank users have made their first million in just two months. But our review reveals that none of these statements is true.

Is Bitcoin Bank a legitimate system?

No, Bitcoin Bank is not legit. We can say it because it is based on a system that has been subject to numerous warnings from financial regulators all over the world (for example the FSMA).

The thing is that every system that is supposed to trade financial markets automatically on your behalf has to be authorized by financial regulators. But Bitcoin Bank has no license whatsoever, which make it an illegal investment service that cannot be offered in most countries.

Is Bitcoin Bank a safe system?

No, Bitcoin Bank is not safe. First of all, it was made to lose your money, so it is very risky for your trading capital. Anything you invest with this app will be lost.

Secondly, Bitcoin Bank is very risky for your personal information. If you submit your personal data to this system, it will be shared among scammers who will try to abuse it to get money from you.

This is why you should not even register for Bitcoin Bank, let alone deposit any money with it.

The Bitcoin Bank scam

Bitcoin Bank is a scam, that is fact that we are going to prove in this review. In reality, it is a scam that has been around for a long time, it just got a new name. Here are the proofs.

1. A cloned scam

We have already reviewed many variations of this scam, for example Bitcoin Lifestyle, Bitcoin Millionaire Pro and Crypto Bull App. In our picture below you will see other examples of fraudulent programs that are based on the same website and system.

Fraudsters don’t even bother with creating different websites, they just copy everything all over and give it a different name. These scams are all the same from the inside out.

Bitcoin Bank is based on a system that was designed to steal your money. It literally will do the opposite of what it promises. Everything you can read on its website is a lie.

2. Bitcoin Bank testimonials

What are Bitcoin Bank users’ testimonials? Certainly not what is shown on its official website. There you will find happy customers talking about how much money they have made, but everything is fake.

Just have a look at our picture below and you will see that they used stock photos to portray their alleged users. These people are not trading with Bitcoin Bank!

We regularly get feedback from real users of scams based on the same system as Bitcoin Bank, and it is pretty bad, trust us.

People complain that they have lost money and that they cannot get it back. This trading app has never earned them anything, it just lost the capital they invested. In some cases even repeatedly. What you let Bitcoin Bank trade with, will disappear from your account.

3. Unreal trading results

The third proof that Bitcoin Bank is a scam is in the trading results you will find on its website. Because the table with live results is completely fake.

We can say it because it contains cryptocurrency trading pairs that are not available with real brokers.

Can I Trade Bits From Ads For Real Money Now

Not to mention that it shows only winning trades, meanwhile it is impossible to have only winning trades in real trading.

The statement about the 99.4% winning rate is a complete nonsense, no trading system in the world can achieve this rate. Any experienced and honest trader will confirm this fact to you.

Bitcoin Bank vs. celebrities and media

One of the biggest marketing tricks that scammers use to get new victims for their programs like Bitcoin Bank, is celebrities’ endorsements. They create a ton of fake articles imitating renowned media that tell stories about famous people using and investing with their systems.

You will probably see articles telling stories about Bitcoin Bank being used by Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Gordon Ramsay, Patrice Motsepe, Martin Lewis, Jeremy Clarkson, Peter Jones and other celebrities.

These articles will look like they were published by the Mirror or Daily Mail. Or by TV stations and talking about celebrities appearing in the Dragons’ Den, Shark Tank, Good Morning, This Morning and other shows, and endorsing Bitcoin Bank.

But everything will be fake. No celebrity has ever used nor recommended Bitcoin Bank, this system never was on TV. Because it is an investment scam, every rational human being will stay away from it.

The Bitcoin Bank app

How does the Bitcoin Bank app work? It has two purposes: to make you believe that it is profitable and to transfer your money to scammers. Here is how it was designed to achieve these two goals.

When you register for Bitcoin Bank, you will be given access to the trading platform which will offer you a demo mode. If you switch the demo on, you will see a lot of profits coming in, so you will probably think that it really is a profitable system.

The catch is that the demo is fake, it is rigged. It is based on fake prices to generate profits that would not happen in real trading.

If you don’t see through this trick, you will probably want to let Bitcoin Bank trade with real money for real profits. And that will be the last step to lose everything.

How Bitcoin Bank really works

Bitcoin Bank was made to get your money and give it to scammers. As we have explained, it will use a fake demo to trick you into thinking that it really can make you money.

When you want it to trade with real money for real profits, they will force you to deposit money with an unregulated and shady broker. Once you send them your money, it will be over, you will lose it.

You see, everything with Bitcoin Bank was designed with this aim in mind, to trick you into sending your own money to scammers. Every lie they tell you serves this purpose.

This is why fraudsters create their websites and marketing campaigns, everything is here to make you believe that their system can be beneficial to you, meanwhile in reality they just need you to send them your money. This is how they scam you, how they get your cash.

Did you lose money with Bitcoin Bank? Then do this

If you found our Bitcoin Bank review only after you already deposited money with the system, you still can try to get it back. Here is how:

Can I Trade Bits From Ads For Real Money Youtube

  1. See who you sent your money to. It will be the broker that Bitcoin Bank referred you to.
  2. Log into your account with that broker and submit a request for withdrawal.
  3. If you notice that money is already missing, submit a request for a refund. You have to explain to the broker that you got scammed by Bitcoin Bank.
  4. If the broker is not helpful, tell them that you will report everything to regulators and request a chargeback on your deposit with your bank.
  5. If the steps above are not successful, report the broker and Bitcoin Bank to authorities and contact your bank.
  6. See with your bank how you could get your money back. With a credit/debit card it is pretty easy to make a chargeback on the deposit transactions. Wire transfers are the most difficult to reverse.
  7. The last thing you can do is a formal complaint to the police in your country.

Also remember to ask anybody who has your personal details in connection with Bitcoin Bank to delete it. It is your right to have your personal data deleted and again, you can complain to authorities if any party refuses to delete it.

Protect yourself against investment scams

Can I Trade Bits From Ads For Real Money Free

Bitcoin Bank is just one of many, many investment scams out there. It is impossible to review them all, therefore we will present here traits that they have in common so that you know how to spot and avoid them.

It very likely is a scam:

  • if it promises money for doing nothing
  • if the trading system is free and is supposed to generate big profits
  • if the first thing you have to do after registering is to deposit money with a shady broker
  • if it is not clear who is behind the trading system, if that entity is not regulated

There is no free money, certainly not in financial trading and investing. You have to use common sense. What would you do if you had a very profitable trading system? Would you use it to make money or would give it away for free to anybody?

Should a free trading system generate a lot of money to anybody, you would hear about it from all your usual media, it would not need ads or spam to be promoted. But such a system would stop working anyway, because financial markets need sellers and buyers at the same time, everybody can’t be doing the same thing, it would cause the markets to stall.

Bitcoin Bank review – our conclusion

Bitcoin Bank is a scam, we presented you with proofs in our review. You have to avoid it in order not to lose money.

Money can be made in cryptocurrency trading, but it never is easy, there always are risks associated with trading. You can try a legit free demo with a regulated broker to see how you would do.

Invest real money only when you understand the risks and when you really know what you are doing.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Bitcoin Bank a scam?

Can I Trade Bits From Ads For Real Money

Yes, Bitcoin Bank is a scam. Its only purpose is to get your money, it will never earn you anything. It is one big lie, a total hoax.

Is Bitcoin Bank real?

No, Bitcoin Bank is not a real trading system. It is based on a flawed algorithm that is losing money in cryptocurrency and other financial markets.

How much money can I make with Bitcoin Bank?

You can’t make any money with Bitcoin Bank, because it is a scam. It is an illegal investment scheme that is made to steal money from people. Many financial regulators have warned against this specific scheme.

How do I sign-up for Bitcoin Bank?

There is form on the Bitcoin Bank’s website that you have to fill your personal information in. But do not do it, because it is a scam. Your personal information would be abused, and you would lose your money.