Can We Earn Money On Musicxray Site

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  5. Can We Earn Money On Music Xray Sites
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About MusicXray

In brief, MusicXray is not a scam, but it doesn’t mean that we recommend you to join this site. You can’t make enough pocket money from this site. Although this site pays to its members, but also it make take more than a year for a member just to reach cashout level. So we have listed it within our Not Recommended sites list. Music Xray does not make it easy to leave negative comments on their fringe-dwelling MIPs. Music Xray purports to have a great tracking algorithm, however, the company refuses show a conversion rate, which would be sooo easy for them. It makes one have more than doubts about their veracity. SAVE your money.

The sole purpose of this blog is to tell you about this website MusicXray and How it works.


I had heard about this MusicXray on several websites and blogs, that it gifts free money for every you song listen on it, they adds about $ 0.10 for each song you listen to in your account registered on it, all you need is to simply sign up and connect your payment account to it and you are to ready to begin your musicxray journey.

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Is Musicxray Genuine?

Most of you must have a doubt, that is it genuine or not, so to clear it I’d say yes it is genuine website which gives you money though in a small fraction but they do, they are not fake.


What does Musicxray do?

They take up the songs from the new artists who are desperate to spread their music melody into this world by the means of money,yeah they are paying you money for listening to their songs.

What you have to do for Musicxray?

Just nothing all you need is to register this website and after that they will ask you are you an artist or a fan

if you want to earn money then you have to select that you are fan,the next step will be to select the category of music and also you have to select some music bands so that they can easy find you some songs to listen.

How much one can make out from Musicxray?

Their are lost of blog and youtube channels who says that you can earn around $10/day.

Can We Earn Money On Musicxray Site

For me i must say no,i have never got that much of amount even in month because they do not list you with huge list of songs. They mail you when ever there will a song for you to listen but many times it happens when you checkout the website after getting the mail is that there is no song to listen how they mailed saying you have new song to listen,so what actually happens is they provide the song for a very limited time and few user could get the amount.

How long would it take to make huge money from Musicxray?

I won’t suggest you to solely depend on this site,even i did not got much from this website but still i do this just to add a little amount because i do not want to miss any opportunity

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If you want some more ways to Earn Online from Home

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I have found another very promising way to earn money listening to music! Music XRay is the closest thing I've found so far to Slice the Pie — you actually get paid real money to listen to and rate songs.

There are other sites, like Hit Predictor, that only award you with points that you can redeem. But Music XRay is the real deal, you do get cash.

Musix XRay does appear to be open worldwide. However, they pay via Paypal, so you won't be able to earn from the site if you don't have a Paypal account and can't get one.

How Music XRay Works

You have to associate your account with your Facebook profile to start. You'll have to fill out some basic profile information and they also ask that you upload a few mp3's that reflect your musical tastes so they can better match you to music. You don't have to upload the mp3's — I didn't do it and I have still gotten music invites in my inbox.

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Once your account is set up, you will occasionally get invitations to listen to and rate music. Rating involves listening to the entire track and then rating it on a scale of 1-5 stars. You also have to type in some comments saying what you liked or didn't like.

How Much Does Music XRay Pay?

Everyone gets paid ten cents a listen. You can get paid via Paypal once your account reaches $20.

Frequency Of Invitations

Can We Earn Money On Musicxray Site Online

At first, they will come in slowly. But the more you rate, the more you'll start to receive. Please remember that to start with you only get 24 hours before your song invitations expire and are sent to someone else to do. After you've been rating for a while and your badge level increases, they will start giving you more time per song.

Music XRay Referral Program

You can get paid for referrals on Music XRay. They allow you to email invitations to people you know and get them to sign up for focus groups to rate music, too.

As a reward for referring people, you'll get some more money per song once you've gotten 10 people to sign up.

My Experience With Music XRay

Well, there's not a lot to report on just yet. So far I have made a whopping ten cents! While it's kind of fun to do, I definitely don't think this will be a very lucrative side-earner.

Can We Earn Money On Musicxray Site Today


I think that you can at at this point probably earn more money listening to music by doing Slice the Pie because there you don't have to wait on invitations to listen — you just log in and start rating music.

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However, I have read some things here and there online where people who have built their badge level up on Music XRay are doing rather well. If your badge level is up there, you may be able to do as well here as you can on Slice the Pie.

Can We Earn Money On Music Xray Sites

How To Get Started On Music XRay

You can get started signing up by using this link. Good luck! And if you've used Music XRay yourself, please comment below and let us know about your experience. This will help people who are unsure decide whether or not signing up is worth it.