How To Earn Money Online Using Your Phone

After showing you a few businesses you can start for free, I thought it was high time that I showed you a few ways to make money using your phone.

That’s right, you can make a sizeable sideincome from just installing an app on your phone and doing simple tasks such asdelivering food, dropping off parcels or taking pictures of job opportunitiesin your area.

Some people do so well with their moneymaking apps that they don’t do anything else for work, since they are earning afull-time income from their app-based work.

Most people consider a mobile phone to be a necessity, but almost everyone agrees they can be pricey devices. Luckily, there are now legitimate ways make money using your mobile phone. Companies around the globe are paying people every hour of the day to.

Want to find out how to potentially tellyour boss what you really think of them, ditch the job and hustle your way to ajuicy income with these apps?

Of course you do, so let’s get into 7 ofthe best money making apps out there.

Uber Eats Delivery Person

Uber have taken the traditional role of“takeaway delivery person” and modernized it for the 21st century.So there won’t be a ton of slack time, there won’t be hours of waiting aroundwaiting for any one particular restaurant to get busy, and you’ll earn based onseveral factors such as time, mileage, pick up, drop off and better yet, you’llkeep all of the tips!

One of the key advantages of taking foodorders to people rather than ferrying drunk people around on a weekend is thatyou don’t have to apply for the very expensive taxi private license (and theassociated insurance) which is a requirement when becoming an Uber driver.

Nope, all you will have to do is make sureyou have let your insurer know you are delivering food (usually there is anadditional supplement for this type of cover), sign up to the app, pass thebackground check and you are good to go.

What is more, the vehicle requirements aremuch more lax for food delivery when compared to Uber driving. You basicallyneed a car that was released post 1998 and that’s pretty much it (don’t forgetthe insurance).

If you have a scooter or a bike therequirements are even less strict, any make or model of scooter will do (plusfood delivery insurance), and you can now deliver using your steam with abicycle.

So not only can you get paid for deliveringfood, you can get paid to get in shape and lose weight while you are at it!

Howmuch can I earn?

The UK average is around £4 per deliveryafter expenses. So if you manage 4 deliveries an hour you will be looking at anhourly rate of £16 per hour. If you manage to get 5 or 6 deliveries in per houryour working you will be looking at upwards of £20 per hour, which is more thandouble the national minimum wage.

You could be looking at £1500 – £2000 amonth if you were to take this on full-time or £400 – £1000 on part-time hours.

Why not watch this video of someone whomade £200 by delivering food for UberEats by riding their bike for 24 hoursstraight! (obviously I do not recommend attempting this!):

You can apply for an Uber Eats positionhere –

Deliveroo Delivery Rider

Sticking with the same theme, why not makesome extra (or full-time) cash by working for Deliveroo?

Working upon the same principle as UberEats (Deliveroo was first to the food delivery via app concept) you can whizzround your local city on a bike or scooter delivering food for restaurants inyour area.

Where Deliveroo is streets ahead of UberEats is on employee benefits and care. Since this was one of the firstcompanies to receive government scrutiny over the legalities of theself-employed gig economy, Deliveroo have worked hard to improve conditions fortheir workers.

By becoming a delivery rider, you getaccess to high quality equipment such as phone holders, protective clothing,helmets and lights. You also have pay-as-you-go delivery insurance throughZego, and free accident insurance with medical cover up to £7,500 throughBikmo.

One gripe that riders find though is thatthey have difficulty picking up the highest paying shifts or “delivery blocks”.The most money is of course made by riders who work Friday nights and weekendswhen demand is at its peak.

So you will have to have to be your toeswith the app to get the best delivery slots and try and avoid cancellationsonce your booked into a slot.

How To Earn Money Online Using Your Phone Without

Howmuch can I earn?

The money is similar to Uber Eats payrates, with Deliveroo’s national average coming in slightly higher at £4.50 perdelivery. Deliveroo themselves say you can earn up to £120 a day, if you worked5 days a week (most likely including weekends for that kind of money) you couldbe looking at take home pay of up to £2400 which isn’t too shabby at all!Part-time hours could see you net £500 – £1200 depending on your shiftpatterns, it’s all about getting those busy slots!

Why not watch this video which follows aguy during his Deliveroo shift earning £102 over his two 3-hour delivery slots:

You can apply to be a Deliveroo Rider here–

Job Spotter

Coming away from delivering food, JobSpotter allows you to make money for taking pictures of jobs and uploading thatphoto for cash. The creators of the app (the job website Indeed) then postthese adverts to the Indeed website for jobseekers to view.

Happy snappers are rewarded between 5 and150 points per advert, depending on how original the advert is. If you happento spot the job advert being put up in the window and run over to snap it,you’ll likely receive close to maximum points for your submission.

Points are decided by an algorithm withinthe app, which decides how valuable each job advert photo is. A uniqueopportunity for a local small business is likely to see you rewarded with morepoints than a general opportunity available at a variety of locations with anationwide company.

As for ease of use, this app has to be oneof the easiest on this list. You simply open it up, and once you’ve registeredyour details, you then load the camera, take a picture of the job advert, thename of the store or company advertising, and then hit submit. You then waitfor the submission to be approved and receive the according points.

What’s great about this app is you can earnwhilst doing something else. For example, you may have to pop out to the shopsto grab to some groceries, you notice on the way in that the local barbers arehiring as well as the supermarket you are shopping at. That could be over 150points for just taking a few photos whilst walking a route you would have takenanyway!

Howmuch can I earn?

This one isn’t going to replace the day jobI’m afraid, but it’s still a great way to make extra cash easily. Each point isworth one US cent. You can really hustle can and earn an extra £100 a month byhitting different town centres (I wouldn’t go especially for this reason andyou’ll lose your profit).

A more realistic scenario is £25 – £50 amonth which you can use to treat yourself to things from Amazon. This may be a good point to mention the moneyyou earn is paid in the form of Amazon vouchers. Since Amazon nearly selleverything on planet earth these days it’s almost as good as cash.

Here is the link to download it –

Field Agent,Roamler, Task360, BeMyEye etc.

I’ve lumped these apps together becausethey are pretty much identical, they just have different names. These appsallow users to make money by performing small mystery shopping tasks in andaround their local area.

These tasks are usually simple and take amatter of minutes to complete. For example, you could be asked to enter aspecific supermarket, take photos of products and answer a few questions aboutstock availability. Which is great if you happen to be shopping at thatsupermarket anyway!

Earn Money Online Playing Games

The more complicated the assignment themore money they tend to pay out.

These apps make much more sense if you arebased in a city, it’s almost pointless downloading them if you live in thecountryside as the transport fees to reach the task destination would negateyour profits from completing the tasks.

You are also likely to make more from theseapps if you can squeeze in weekend tasks as they tend to pay better. Alsoincreasingly, there are tasks that require you to purchase an item (which isreimbursed) before answering a few questions about it.

For some of you this may be great if youlike to go out and try new restaurants or bars and get paid for the pleasure ofvisiting!

Howmuch can I earn?

Whilst this doesn’t quite hit the heightsof the delivery apps it can easily to turned into a serious part-time earner.£25 a day is easily achievable for just a few hours’ work. Depending on yourlocation (city is ideal) you can earn £100 – £500 a month just by using theseapps.

Why not read how this gentleman hustled hisway to £3864 (and counting!) using these apps and read his tips and tricks tomaximise your earnings –

Field Agent –

Roamler –

Task360 –

BeMyEye –

Matched Betting

How To Earn Money Online Using Your Phone

Still one of my absolute favouriteapp-based earners is matched betting. Granted this isn’t just one app, you’llneed to download dozens of bookmaker and casino apps if you want to make themost of this guaranteed money making method.

Most of you who have followed my blog for awhile will know what matched betting is, but for those of you who don’t, it’s basicallya mathematical system which exploits free bets and bonuses to make guaranteedprofits.

I’vealready made well over £5000 from what I consider to be a fun hobby ratherthan a job. It has got to be the highest hourly rate out of these app-basedmoney makers. Rates can go as high as £150 per hour depending on what offersyou are completing.

The best way to maximise your time so youare not hunting around every single one of your apps for specific offers is to sign up to Oddsmonkey.They have all the necessary software and offers all in one place, which means Ican go from finding the offer to using their matched betting calculator to extractthe profits within seconds of logging in.

Make sure to sign up before the codeexpires in April 2019. (If you are reading this after April 2019 get in touchand I’ll see if I can sort out a code for you).

You can of course do matched betting on alaptop or PC but apps are the preferred method for many who don’t want toinvest and are happy using their phone to make this money.

Howmuch can I earn?

There are endless possibilities with thismethod of making money, the income is limited to how much time you can invest.If you are available for 6 hours a day you can easily make a full time income,especially if you have time spare on a weekend.

From my experience I earned £400 from anaverage of one hour per day (including weekends). So you can guesstimate whatsomeone who invest 6 hours a day can make!

Monthly earnings can vary from £50 – £5000it all depends on how much time you can put in to complete offers and learnadvanced techniques.

Take a look at the monthly incomes ofreported in the monthly profits thread here:

Amazon Flex

Another one of best ways to make moneyusing your phone is by using Amazon Flex. This app presents a great way to earnsome extra cash, particularly if you have a car that is just sat idle in yourdriveway for large parts of the day, or you have to wait for your other job(such as delivery driving) to start.

The system works in “delivery blocks” whichbecome available via the app and you indicate your availability, picking andchoosing which delivery blocks you would like to take and which you would liketo skip.

You will need to pass all of the samechecks required of the delivery apps listed above and at this moment in timeyour car must have at least 4 doors. Delivering on bike or scooter is notallowed, which is unsurprising given you will need to be able to store inexcess of 60 parcels for your delivery round.

In the UK flex drivers are currentlylimited to delivering 8 hours per day and are capped at working 24 hours perweek. This is likely to be expanded in the future with the growth of Amazon andtheir expansion of local depots. However, as it stands, this app isn’t going tobe enough to earn a full-time wage.

Delivery slots are varied and can lastanywhere from 1 to 4 hours. They are different each day, so you could be on aslot that is 8am – 12pm one day followed by a 5pm – 9pm slot the next. Soalthough you can choose when you work, you can’t decide which time of day itwill be.

Howmuch can I earn?

Amazon themselves say drivers can earnanywhere between £12 -£15 per hour, although some drivers report earning moreby gaining tips through Amazon Prime and Prime Now orders.

Given you are currently limited to 24 hoursper week that is a maximum take home pay of £360 a week, or £1440 a month whichis almost a full-time income. At the lower end of the scale you are looking at£288 a week or £1,152 a month not including expenses.

Take a look at this video which takes youstep-by-step through an Amazon Flex shift so you know if it is for you or not.


Many of you will be familiar with theadverts for Shpock “the boot sale app”, and it seems the ads are working. Thereare now over 1 million people registered users in the UK and that number isgrowing all the time.

Short for “shop in your pocket”, Shpock iseffectively an app-based Ebay or Gumtree. You simply take pictures of your itemwith your phone, upload them, fill out the listing description, and then waitfor offers to roll in for your item.

What makes it better for users, than say selling on Ebay, is that there are no listing fees. You can sell whatever you like from around your house without being charged to do so. You may if you wish choose to promote your item, so it has a more prominent position in the Instagram-style feed within the app. Prices start from less than £1 to do so.

Shpock sellers are finding that it is agreat place to shift products they have picked up cheaply from other sourcessuch as charity shops or discount outlets. Some people are even buying on Shpocksimply to resell at a higher price later on.

Users can scale their selling to match thatof other Ebay sellers, effectively creating your very own store on there. And sinceit works in a similar manner to the Facebook marketplace with items shown tobuyers that are close to their location, collection tends to be the usual meansof delivery, further increasing profits when compared to Ebay.

Of course you should take steps to protectyourself, use a third party payment company such as Paypal to handle your transactionsand if you do indeed decide a buyer is far enough away to require postage youcan use UPS “pay on collection” services.

Howmuch can I earn?

How To Earn Money Online Using Your Phone Without

This is akin to asking how long a piece ofstring is but I’ll try my best. My advice would be to look around your housefor items you can do without, or items that you haven’t used in a long time andtherefore clearly don’t need.

Start listing those items and gauge themarket interest in your area. It may be that clothes perform better than PS4 orXbox games. Once you’ve found a category that performs well work out a way toincrease your stock in that area.

For example, you could cruise by the localcharity clothes shops if second hand clothes perform particularly well for you.You can then continually reinvest your profits to expand your operation anddevelop a proper buying/selling business.

Part time you could easily make £100 aweek. If you were to invest some serious time, you could earn more than £250 aweek, although this app doesn’t have the reach of Ebay, you can still flipitems quickly for decent profits.

To learn more about Shpock watch this videohere –

Or head to the FAQ section of their websitehere –


Hopefully you now have a few ideas aboutthe best ways to make money using your phone. As you’ve read some of these appscan present a full-time income, or at the very least a serious part-time wage,but what about combining a couple of them?

Imagineif you worked Amazon flex orders in the morning and Deliveroo or Uber Eats inthe evening? You could earn some serious income, well in excess of £100 perday, and well over £2,000 a month.

Some people do exactly that and earn between £25,000 – £30,000 a year, which at the higher end is more than the national average annual wage of £27,300. All without having to deal with a boss, tiresome office politics or the daily monotonous commute.

Butthere is of course a caveat, the necessary insurances for some of these jobscan be expensive which eats into your overall profit. Secondly, you will haveto go self-employed which means filling out a self-assessment tax form.

Ifyou earned a decent amount through these apps over the past tax year, you arebetter off hiring a good accountant to do this for you. They will be able toscrape back as much money as possible from the tax man, and the really goodones will pay for themselves several times over in tax and national insurancesavings.

If you have had any experience with any of these apps, why not let me know your story in the comment section below and share your opinion on earning money this way.

Otherwise, good luck with you phone-based earnings!