How To Sell Gold For Real Money Wow Warmane

  1. How To Sell Gold For Real Money Wow Warmane Island
  2. How To Sell Gold For Real Money Wow Warmane Valley

Gold Farmers Page

How to Sell Wow Classic Gold For Real Money? Having a deep well of WoW classic Gold to draw from is crucial for mounting up by level 40 and setting up for success by level 60. That’s why players have to do what they can to farm. Luckily for them, you’re here! By selling off your excess WoW Classic gold, you get to help others while lining. Buy Cheap Warmane Gold for all Server, best site to sell Warmane Frostmourne Gold, Lordaeron Gold, Icecrown Gold, fast service and cheapest price for you.

How To Sell Gold For Real Money Wow Warmane
  • Looking for Gold Sellers
  • 100% Safe Methods
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We are looking to buy large stocks of gold for all major Warmane realms: Icecrown, Lordaeron WotLK, as well as Medivh & Outland TBC

How To Sell Gold For Real Money Wow Warmane Island

How To Sell Gold For Real Money Wow Warmane

Update 10th April 2019: This page is no longer maintained. You can sell WoW Gold on our main website Vanilla.Games WoW Gold

Even though we have millions of gold coins set aside, we are always looking to buy more.

Please contact us only if you are looking to sell above 5000 gold for the Wrath of the Lich King 'WotLK' and 500+ for the Burning Crusade 'TBC' realms. We are not interested for lesser amounts.

Farmers who supply us with better prices are given priority.

We will reply to you if we are interested in your offer.

How To Sell Gold For Real Money Wow Warmane Valley

If you are up for working with us, just send an enquiry through the form below, or add us on our Skype for partners: v7partners

Farming gold on Warmane's Icecrown Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a Blizzlike x7 Realm with: Herbalism, Mining, Enchanting, Tailoring, Leatherworking, Skinning, Alchemy, Engineering, Blacksmithing, Raiding, Auction House Reselling, Jewelcrafting, Grinding Elites / Mobs in High Level Areas for uncommon items.

Factions: Alliance, Horde

Contact Information

Email: (Northdale, Kronos 3, Elysium!)
Making Gold on Warmane
Making money playing Warmane can lead you to some frustration, empty pockets, and lack of ability to purchase the things you want on the Auction House. In this guide I will try to the best of my ability to get you on track to start earning gold so you can be more self reliant so you can get those things you've always wanted.
First things first, set your self a goal a range in your mind, it always helps to know the number you're working towards, and it also helps boost confidence once you reach this amount of gold.
Where to Start?
You can start making gold at any level! However, the amounts of gold you can make very with level. So yes indeed this means you're going to want a higher level character at some point. Just starting out as a fresh level one character you're going to want to use the Auction House! In fact, you're going to become best friends with the Auction House. If you find a green item, and you don't need it, chances are someone else will!
Step 1: Search the Auction House for the Green Item you're trying to sell.
Step 2: If you've found a duplicate of this item on the Auction House, Undercut! However, you don't want to deflate the Auction House for future sales, undercut only 1-5g at a time. If you notice that the price is already deflated, under cut by only a few silver.
Step 3: If you do not see this item on the Auction House, search the Auction House for a similar item, then match price based on results.
Step 4: Be smart about the greens you do sell, if it's a green piece of gear, look at the stats! If the combination of stats are reasonable, then go in for your sale. For e.g. If the stats are Agility and Spirit, you may want to consider a vendor for the item, maybe someone who can Disenchant. If the stats are Agility and Stamina on a low level item, and you don't need it... Auction House away!
With every sever that you go on, different professions will make you different amounts of gold depending on how you apply it. In my honest opinion I would recommend starting your professions as early as possible to maximize the amount of gold you are earning as you level. With all earnings you should always check out the market before jumping in completely, meaning check the Auction House for end game Profession content and see what it's going for. Also, check out the prices of raw material.
Gathering Professions: Gathering Professions do tend to make you a lot of money in game, Players who are working on building up their professions are going to need these materials to craft items. Meaning there is a nice market for people who gather. As for which gathering profession will make you the most money, remember, the Auction House is your best friend! Check for flooding of the market, if the item is over stocked and at a low price, chances are you're going to want to try something else for a profession, if the market is flooded but the prices are still high, well there is some wiggle room to compete with other members selling the same thing. Remember when playing with the Auction House, you will ALWAYS be competing with other members, it's your job to undercut without deflating the Auction House too much. For e.g. Someone is selling a stack of Ore for 40g, don't sell the same thing for 20g then put up 30 stacks, if you're looking for a quick sale that's fine, but limit your stacks to 5 at a time.
Production Professions: Production Professions can be a hassle, but in the end can be well worth your time. With a Production Profession it's recommended that you take a Gathering Profession to go with it. If you take Blacksmithing, Jewel Crafting, or Engineering... chances are you're going to want Mining to go with it, unless you have another character that can gather your mats. Again, look at your market with production Professions, you'll notice that there is a routine developing with the Auction House and your professions. Also with production Professions, it may be in your best interest to go with a profession that benefits your character to lessen cost for your self in the future.
Cloth:Tailoring & Enchanting, Herb & Alchemy, Herb & Inscription, Mining & Jewel Crafting
Leather: Skinning & Leatherworking, Mining & Engineering, Herb & Alchemy, Herb & Inscription, Mining & Jewel Crafting, Enchanting
Mail: Skinning & Leatherworking, Mining & Engineering, Herb & Alchemy, Herb & Inscription, Mining & Jewel Crafting, Enchanting
Plate: Mining & Blacksmithing, Mining & Jewel Crafting, Mining & Engineering, Herb & Alchemy, Herb & Inscription, Enchanting

Professions Bonuses:
Herbalism: Herbalists get a relatively weak perk - like all practitioners of gathering professions. They learn Lifeblood - simple instant healing spell with a temporary haste rating buff that grows in strength every 75 skill points. An additional cosmetic perk herbalists get is the Lifegiving Seed which they have a chance to loot off every Cataclysm herb. The Seed can temporarily transform the herbalist into a random herb in an attempt to avoid notice from enemy players.
Lifeblood,Rank 7, Instant, 2 min cooldown:
'Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth,
instantly healing minor wounds and granting 240 haste for 20 sec. Can be
used while stealthed or invisible.'

Mining: Mining is one of the many valuable gathering professions, capable of harvesting minerals from nodes located around the world. A miner must raise his skill by gathering different qualities of minerals, and can smelt the ore into bars which are commonly used by these professions: Blacksmithing, Engineering and Jewelcrafting. Mining offers you yet another perk:
Toughness, Rank 7:
'All your hard work spent mining has made you
exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 120.'

Skinning: Skinning is a gathering profession that allows players to collect leather, scales and hides from slain beasts and dragonkin, and carapaces from nerubians and silithid. These reagents can then be used by Leatherworking and occasionally by other crafting professions to create items such as armor or armor kits.
A skinner must purchase a skinning tool and carry it on their person to be able to skin a mob. Mobs past the first few levels will require 5 Skinning skill per mob level, so you can calculate the average required skinning level for an area just by looking at the levels of its mobs (for example, a level 30 mob would require 150 Skinning). If your skill is too low to skin a mob, you will get a red error message and the required level will be stated.
For mobs in zones that require Cataclysm to access, skinners get an additional bonus. They have a small chance to loot: Strange Bloated Stomach while skinning, which contains a few random Volatiles. Yet again you receive another perk:
Master of Anatomy, Rank 7:
'Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your
anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 80.'

Alchemy: Alchemy is one of the Production professions meaning it requires materials produced with a Gathering profession, mainly Herbalism. Alchemists turn various reagents into powerful consumables that are seperated into three categories:
Elixirs: Places on a fairly powerful and versatile buff over a long period of time, but are lost if your player dies. Each player can have up to two elixirs active: one Guardian and one Battle Elixir. Elixir effects Include some of these bonuses: hit, expertise, mastery, etc. These generally sell for a fair amount at max level.
Flasks: Provide vital buffs over an extended period of time. Flasks' effects also persist through death, and can be active at any given time. Flasks increase primary stats: strength, agility, intellect, spirit, and stamina. Flasks will be your main money maker, it requires volatile lifes to complete, meaning if you want to be making profit you should really take Herbalism as Herbalism will give you those votiles, and herbs needed.
Potions: Potions provide an instantaneous or Burst buff. Because of their overpowered nature, potions are limited to one per combat. Common effects include a massive burst in a primary stat, or an instantaneous replenishment of some health or mana. These sell fairly well on the auction house because many players are in need of these effects when doing piticular groups.
SIDE NOTE:Many players have noticed a link between using potions and combat bug with malee characters. Many people have reported that they have to log after using a potions effect to be able to attack again... Which can be a little challaging and time consuming if you're doing a raid, or dungeon group, more so annoying with a dungeon group because if you log out you're booted from the dungeon group. >.<'
Alchemists are also able to transmute elemental reagents, ores, and gems. For e.g. Pyrium Bars can be created either by smelting Pyrite Ore or by having an alchemist transmute it from one Elementium Bar and one Volatile Earth, this piticular operation is not as in demand. However, Transmute: Shadowspirit Diamond is a nice transmute that can make you a lot of gold on the Auction House.
Combined with Archaeology an alchemist can also craft a Vial of the Sands, which teaches its user the exotic Sandstone Drake mount. Which sells for a large amount of gold, it also offers you True Gold another large seller. Plus Potion of Treasure Finding can bring a little bit of extra income when killing mobs, or simply sell that on the Auction House too.
Alchemist are also able to craft an epic 359 trinket that benefits all types of class, this trinket can be equipped at level 80 and it includes a socket! Perks Include:
Mixology, Passive:
'You receive an increased effect and duration when you
drink any elixir or flask you are able to make.'

Blacksmithing: yet another production Profession, is combined with mining for top results. It offers players the ability to make plate and mail gear, which is best combined with a plate wearer for best results. Blacksmiths generally make gold of of selling it's epic gear, which requires the collection of Chaos Orbs. Another popular seller is the Ebonsteel Belt Buckle which tends to sell for a fair amount and is really easy to make. Perks of Blacksmithing include:
Socket Gear:
Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves. The materials required
are practically free, which makes the sockets also free.

Enchanting: Enchanting is a profession that can not be categorized, as it is not Production or Gathering. Enchanters take Materials obtained by destroying gear with Disenchanting; Enchanters then apply these newly gained mats to gear increases the gears stats. Enchanting provides a steady income when you sell your enchants on the Auction House. In order to sell these enchants you are going to need a vellum, vellums can be purchased at an enchanting vendor. Perks include:
Ring Enchants:
Enchanters are given an extra enchant solely for themselves. The only enchants
available for rings are the ones that increase primary stat -Strength, Agility,
Intellect, and Stamina. You can have both of your rings enchanted too.

Engineering: Another Production Profession, also paired with mining for the best results. Engineers make a nice amount of gold by producing scopes for guns, which is why it's a nice combination with a hunter. They can also make a nice income selling the infamous Gnomish Army Knife which combines a majority of helpful tools in one slot. Engineers are also responsible for creating the ever popular Mechano-Hog, which STILL sells for a large amount of gold. Perks for Engineering Include:
Engineers can place two Cogwheels into their
gear increasing their stats by a large amount.

Inscription: Once again another Production profession, combined best with Herbalism. This is the profession you want to take if you're looking to make gold earlier on in the game; as all members require the use of Glyphs in increase the stats on their gear. Glyphs have a one time use once taught. However, the market is always growing with the creation of each new character. Another selling with inscription are relics, enchanters are able to create and sell relics to other members for a nice income. Perks include:
Master's Inscription:
Inscriptionist have the ability to place a powerful
enchant on their shoulder equipment.

Jewelcrafting: This is one of my favorite production professions! combined with mining you're looking at making a lot of gold once you're close to maxed skill. Jewel crafting tends to cost a lot of money leveling. However, if you do indeed bind it with mining you're in for an easier time.
Jewel Crafters make a lot of gold selling rare cut gems on the Auction House and it is in demand as lot of players require Gems for their unsocketed gear. Jewel crafters can also make gold by selling their uncommon cuts to any vendor for 9g a piece. Trust me, if you're doing this on a mass scale you're going to be making gold fast.
To make things easier for you I'll even help you out with a macro for mass selling these uncommon gems. Just make sure you change: NAME HERE to the gem you're looking to sell. This macro should be used when you're done cutting the gems as it will stop the process of cutting, also you will need to make more then one of these macros if you're planning on selling more then one colour.
Perks Included with Jewel Crafting Include:
Chimera's Eye cut:
Jewelcrafters can cut Chimera's Eye into special gems with increased
stats that only they can equip, though they are limited to equipping
only three of these gems at a time.

Leatherworking: Leather working is best combined with skinning for top results, leather workers tend to make money based on selling gear, and more of the more popular sellers is the leg armor that this skill has to offer. Perks for Leatherworking include:
Fur Lining:
A powerful which they can use to enchant their bracers
with buffs far more powerful than those available from
Enchanting. In addition, leatherworkers can make BoP
leg armor kits for a fraction of the cost.

Tailoring: A production production profession that requires the use of collected cloth to craft armor, bags, and spellthreads. The cloth that you collect comes from killing humannoids. Tailoring makes you gold through out leveling it up, one of the main focuses is selling bags for a steady income. Later on in the game spellthreads will make you a large income combined with bags. I would recommend picking up Enchanting with tailoring as these are two stand alone professions. Perks include:
Tailors can weave an Embroidery into their cloaks which can
provide an extremely powerful proc buff. They can also craft
a variety of Tailoring-only magical carpet flying mounts.
Also, Tailors can create BoP spellthreads for themselves
with greatly reduced materials.

Fishing+Cooking: Although fishing and cooking doesn't really provide a proper perk, these two professions combined together CAN make you a nice gold income, particular raw fish sells for a large amount of gold, and cooking also does sell for a large amount of gold as the food is needed for extra bonuses to your stats. These two professions are also nice to have because they can be combo'd with two other professions that are listed above.
Less is More!
When you're selling items on the Auction House you'll have to keep in mind that people need only a set amount of items, they need to be able to buy what they need for convenience. If you're selling a stack of something, and they only need 3 of that stack you're most likely not going to make a sale unless they REALLY need it, and they're out of options. Put yourself in their shoes, if you only needed a set amount of items, what would you do? You're going to want to break down the stacks of what you're selling. I personally tend to sell in stacks of 1,2, and 5 for the best results.
Now selling things on Warmane in stacks of 1,2, and 5 can be a pain in the butt because the Auction House has a funny way of making it so your Stacks don't break up properly when placing them in the Auction House, and then you need to break up the items by shift clicking, this becomes time consuming and too much of a hassle for most people to bother with. However, with the power of Macros, this problem is remedied!
Mouse Over Macro that splits your stacks into One item:
New to macros? Simply type '/macro' to open up the Macro interface. Click on 'New' chose a title, a picture, then past the above text. Drag and drop this picture to an area of your action bar, mouse over a stack of items, and click to separate.
In closing:
Gold in any game can be a pain in the butt if you don't know what you're doing, but keep calm and think about what you're trying to accomplish. Don't try to jump in and expect you'll be rolling in gold right away. Play around with different things, and see what works best for you. Make sure you do some research when you chose professions if you're solely looking for gold. For e.g. I looked into different professions and I've found that Jewel Crafting makes the most for me, combined with mining makes a deadly pair. Once you're into Cata mining the ore, then breaking it down makes money come easy, for each gem you get you can sell the cut for 9 gold, that's 180g per stack! 100g uncut.
Another great profession is Tailoring and Enchanting, I'm not sure if many people know about this, but collecting Rune Cloth is a great thing to have in Warmane! Because a lot of the lower level dungeons are shut down if you craft: [Tailoring: Runecloth Headband] then use your Disenchanting to get the mats you can sell them at a decent rate because there is not other way to get these mats at the moment. Later on in the game bags will sell for a pretty penny, 1 stack of Netherweave will get you one bag that sells around 70+ gold.
Herbing gets you a lot because people of course need the mats, you can sell them separately for a nice income, paired with inscription or Alchemy it's even better. Inscription if you're trying to make money early on, Alchemy for game game material.
Leatherworking and Skinning, also a nice combination. Always, ALWAYS look at the Auction House and compare prices!!!
This guide is dedicated to our Horde Massacre members on Frostwolfx3, thank you for being with us and happy gold hunting. :)