Ways To Earn Huge Money Online

  1. Anna Real Ways To Earn Money Online
  2. Ways To Earn Huge Money Online Without Investment
  3. Real Ways To Earn Money


How to Make Money Online as a Beginner without Experience

40 Ways to Make Money Online. We’ll break up our list of the best ways to make money online by the different categories of money-making opportunities the internet offers. Whether you hope to make money fast, make a lot of money, or pick a more unusual route, we’ve got you cover. See refe r and earn sites for a list of companies who pay you for referring customers – one of the sure-shot ways to earn money in 2021. Credit-Card Cash Back. Surprisingly, there are more people use cash back from payments they make via credit cards. The amount of profit can reach 5%.

If you’re searching for an easy scheme to earn huge amounts of money online, I’m afraid I have to disappoint you.

There are dozens of proven ways to make money online with no experience, but they all involve sacrifice, dedication, and hard work.

Once you put in this time and pay your dues, you will be able to achieve the financial freedom you aspire to now.

So, to sum it up, this is not going to be another get-rich-quick guide. We do not live in fantasy land, and if getting rich was easy, everyone would be rich.

The old adage “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” can be applied here as well.

By putting in the time today, you will place yourself in the best position to thrive in upcoming years.

Keep reading for some of the legit ways for beginners to make money online!

First off, here is what you need to avoid

If people offer to send you links to their products and services and they’re locked behind a paywall, they are usually up to no good.

In fact, this is just a cheap and dishonest way to make money without offering true value.

Plenty of people get caught in this web of lies out of the desire to earn money right here, right now.

Like I said before, there isn’t a fast lane to getting rich. Run, if anyone promises you $2000 free money or that you’ll make over 4000 dollars fast, in a few days.

Sometimes these scams throw up instant red flags like poor grammar and typos (if they were rich, they could hire a marketing writer/proofreader, right?).

Other get-rich-quick schemes can present themselves as more legitimate, but will still probably disappoint you in the end.

It is precisely this kind of stuff that you need to avoid.

Sure, you could test your luck and try one of those scams that promise thousands of dollars of profit in just a couple of days, but that is a quick one-way ticket to losing all of your savings.

Have you ever thought about surveys?

Okay, words such as “money“ and “easy“ should never be used in the same sentence together, but no matter what anyone says, surveys remain the safest and the best way to make money online as a broke beginner.

They require no investments upfront; you will only have to use up some of your free time.

Anna Real Ways To Earn Money Online

Why would anyone pay you to do a simple survey?

Well, major brands care deeply about their user’s behavior and their desires, and conducting surveys is the best way to find out what the masses think about their products.

The process of registration is fairly simple, as it takes no more than a couple of minutes to create your account.

You will just need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your age, gender, and other demographic-related questions.

In this way, you will receive the surveys that are created precisely for your targeted group.

There are several places where you can start, but the most popular players in the game include Survey Junkie, Swagbucks, Opinion Outpost, and My Points.

As you complete the surveys, the money will come to you, whether through PayPal or gift cards like from Amazon.

If you’re truly interested in this line of work, you will be able to rack up some decent pocket money with it, but I would still advise you to take surveys as your secondary side-hustle.

You can make money, but it’s unlikely to be a lot of money or enough to live on. If you’re lucky you’ll make 30 dollars a day online, but not every day!

I am only saying this because there are some other, really cool ways in which you can monetize your online presence.

Related: 8 survey sites that actually pay

Blogging is the way of the future (make $50 an hour online or more)

Although blogging has been around for years now, it still remains a viable source of income for people around the world. Still, this is no promised land.

Just because you can now create a blog in just a couple of days, it doesn’t mean that the money will start rolling in just as quickly. If I can be honest here for a second, I was a bit of an exception to this rule.

You see, only three months after my blog was made, I made $500 from it, but I had plenty of traffic right from the get-go.

To start off, you first need to find a reliable hosting provider.

My first choice was the HostGator, thanks to their tremendous offer, which only cost me $2.75 a month.

I stayed with them for quite some time, but as the traffic figures started to go up, I figured I needed something more, so I transferred my website to SiteGround, where it still remains today.

If you provide great content to your readers, major brands will quickly start to notice you, and that is where partnerships begin to come into play.

In the internet world, these things are known as affiliate programs, and they present a tremendous way to earn a profit that is entirely passive.

Here is an example of one affiliate program from our blog.

All you have to do is point your readers in the direction of your partner companies, and if they decide to use their services for themselves, you will get a piece of the cut.

Isn’t that the easiest way to earn money, ever?

Become a freelancer

We are all well aware that the major corporations are taking all of the profits from their miserably paid employees, but we rarely muster up the courage to do something about it.

Still, more and more people are now turning to freelance as a source of steady income.

In truth, this can be a masterful way to earn the big bucks, but you have to possess a skill that separates you from the crowd.

Still, even if you are the biggest expert in the world, there is still a difficult path that you need to endure before you can start to increase your hourly fees.

Getting a reputation on freelancing websites can be a grueling task, but it is the foundation for everything that comes after that.

The trouble is, most people are happy to undercut themselves and charge way less for their services than what they deserve.

Fighting for what’s yours is a daily task for most freelances, but hey, it comes with the territory.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad. Successful freelancers are capable of earning tens of thousands of dollars each month.

Gaining the reputation to enter that circle is the difficult part.

When it comes to your freelancing platform of choice, you can start off on websites such as Upwork and Fiverr.

While Upwork was the biggest player in some previous years, due to their constant increases in fees and fluctuation of job opportunities, other competitors have risen in popularity.

The above-mentioned Fiverr is the perfect illustration of just how awesome the freelance life can be.

To test this, and to find reliable information for my article How to make money on Fiverr I opened up an account for myself.

During the very next week, I made $200 from it, without investing any effort into it. To this day, it remains some of the sweetest profit I ever made.

A great alternative to the two already mentioned websites is FlexJobs.

Ways To Earn Huge Money Online

In order to create an account on this website, you have to pay a certain monthly fee, but that is a sure indication that other freelancers who are already there won’t drive the hourly rates down, as they do on some other websites.

If you are confident in the quality of your work, you should definitely check it out.

So, if you’re a beginner hoping to earn money by freelancing, invest in yourself first, by gaining the necessary expertise in your niche.

Once you have that in your pocket, turning it into profit becomes the easy part.

Sell some of the stuff you have no use for

We can all be prone to hoarding stuff we barely ever get a chance to use.

Now, I am not suggesting that you need to change your life from the ground up and become a minimalist, but I have no doubt that you turn a decent profit by getting rid of some things.

However, once you sell all of the items from your home, what is there to do next?

I have a lot of experience in selling stuff online, and trust me, this can definitely become a viable source of income.

I began while still in college, by flipping some items on eBay. However, you won’t be able to sell just anything you wish.

Honoring the demands of the market is the number one rule of business.

So, if you are a beginner who is hoping to turn this into a career, my first advice would be to learn how to test the market and find out what people truly wish to buy.

You’ll also need to have some liquid savings you’ll be able to invest in buying products.

The most reliable way to get your foot in the door is by opening your own store on Amazon.

Still, how can you determine the market demands? That is when Jungle Scout comes into play.

By using this tool, not only that you’ll be able to track down the products that sell, but you’ll also see where the competition is poor and where the chance is there for the taking.

Once you’ve found a valuable product, the rest becomes very easy.

Invest your money in a smart way

In case you’re used to paying for everything in cash, you definitely know the feeling of tons of loose change clanging in your pockets.

To avoid this, most people don’t even bother with taking this money, but that can be a huge mistake.

For instance, there are now several apps, such as Acorns, which collect the change from the purchases you make by using credit or debit cards and invest those funds into different venues.

Young people simply adore this app, as they can barely even notice the difference in their credit balance.

The fees are also insignificant, but the profit you can make is quite alluring.

Naturally, bigger investments can potentially put you in an even better position, but with Acorns, you will hardly have to worry about going bankrupt, so it’s a win-win situation.

Similarly, if you’re a beginner looking to get involved with investing, why not start with a free commission trading app, such as Webull.

You can open your account for free and trade from one of 120 supported marketplaces around the globe.

With real-time data and a plethora of tracking tools, Webull is a tremendous tool you can use to learn the slight nuances of the business.

Food delivery is always a good option for beginners

If you have a driver’s license, or you aren’t afraid of some physical activity like bike riding, you might want to get into the food delivery business.

These days, most of us are too preoccupied with work or simply too lazy to worry about cooking our own meals, and delivery services are more than happy to step in, for a fee.

Granted, the drivers make only a portion of the cut, but it’s still not bad money. Take DoorDash for instance, as it is one of the premier food delivery services right now.

Their drivers earn anywhere from $10 to $25 an hour, depending on their efficiency.

The job is fairly simple. You just pick up the food from the restaurant and deliver it to the customer.

While the company does not necessarily force the users to tip the drivers, most people do it out of common courtesy anyway.

The same principle can be applied to grocery shopping as well.

You also have to own a car to apply for services such as Instacart, but if you do, you’re halfway there.

Once you register your account, you can deliver groceries to people, and you’ll receive about $11 per hour on average for your efforts.

If you like to drive around while listening to music from your car stereo, this can be a decent way to earn some money.

Furthermore, if you have a way with people, you will see plenty of tips coming your way, which will raise your earning capabilities significantly.

Check out these delivery apps like Doordash.

Have you ever considered podcasting?

You don’t need to have any complicated equipment to create a podcast, and you don’t even have to be a proven expert on a topic you’re covering.

In fact, this medium has blown up in popularity in recent years, and it seems like everyone is talking into a microphone these days.

But since the market is saturated, how can you stand out among your peers?

The main advice that experienced podcasters give to beginners is to just act natural.

Similar to many other forms of entertainment, you cannot force your way in: you either have it or you don’t.

However, in order to just test the waters, you will have to make the minimal investments of getting basic equipment and spending time testing things out.

Still, one very important question remains: even if you gain an audience, what is the best way to monetize it?

Getting money from sponsors who are eager to get some airtime is one way, but that’s just one of many possibilities.

Plenty of podcasters use their platform to promote their services and products, which can increase their profit margins substantially.

Others accept donations via platforms like Patreon, where listeners can support the show and help keep it going.

This line of work is definitely far from a surefire thing. In fact, it is the complete opposite of it, so how did it find its way onto this list?

Well, if you are a charismatic, well-spoken person, you practically have no limit when it comes to earning potential.

Even if you eventually give up, you will sacrifice nothing more than some of your free time. Doesn’t that sound like a good deal?

Get involved with dropshipping

In today’s day and age, we all have a friend or two who have tried their luck in the world of dropshipping.

Some of them have scored big, earning huge sums of money, while others have nothing to show for their efforts.

The very concept of dropshipping is very simple. You just have to find a product that has great potential to sell, and a reliable supplier who will be able to honor the market demands.

After that, there are only two things you need to take care of.

The first one includes the creation of an online shop, where all the products need to be sorted and described.

You can do that now in just a couple of clicks, using Shopify, so I would suggest you start there.

This awesome platform offers a 14-day trial period if you register by using this link.

Ultimately, the thing that makes or breaks any dropshipping strategy is marketing.

A great marketing plan will precisely determine your target audience, which will make the process of selling your items that much simpler.

In order to promote your store, you should use different marketing funnels and advertise on different platforms.

In that way, even if one source fails, you will still be able to gain customers elsewhere.

Become a social media manager

Let’s get one thing out of the way first. Just because you spend hours of your day on social media, it doesn’t mean that you would be the ideal candidate for this online job.

However, thanks to online course marketplaces such as Coursera and Udemy, you should be able to get a basic education on the topic quite quickly.

With that in your back pocket, there are tons of possibilities for future employment.

Today, every respectable business needs to have a great online presence. In order to achieve that goal, the need for quality social media managers has skyrocketed.

If you know your way around Photoshop and you don’t get tired easily from online interactions with other people, this line of work could be a viable career opportunity.

The greatest thing about this job is that you don’t need to be sitting behind a computer all day long in order to do it.

If you have a decent smartphone, you can do most of the work even from a coffee shop, or even from the beach.

When it comes to salary, know that you won’t get rich quickly by doing it.

On the other hand, this line of work can prep you perfectly for other, higher-paying jobs in marketing.

You just have to be willing to invest a lot of time and effort into your education.

Once your work becomes recognized by others, you will be able to charge better rates, but know that this will not happen overnight.

Making and selling videos

Many people don’t even have the vaguest idea that they can monetize the funny home videos they post on Facebook or Instagram for free.

But in reality, selling the rights to your videos can prove to be quite a lucrative business.

It’s pretty simple to make money online selling videos.

I have made more than $5,000 by selling videos on platforms such as Rumble or Newsflare. How was I able to do it?

I simply uploaded some of my funny home videos, put some interesting title behind it, and let it sit.

Once the major broadcasting corporations noticed the possibility of making it viral, the rest was up to them. Here is a screenshot of my previous success there.

The best thing about it is that you automatically receive funds to your account as the number of views goes up. All the while, you don’t even have to lift a finger.

How grand is that? Now, be warned that there is no exact formula that will make a video go viral. If there is, I would have retired young a long time ago.

However, if the only thing you have to do is upload a piece of content to one of these platforms and hope for the best, why wouldn’t you at least give it a try?

Ultimately, you can always choose to be a YouTube content creator and join the millions who are already in this race ahead of you.

Ways To Earn Huge Money Online Without Investment

If you happen to do that, know that you will receive about $1 per every 1,000 views your video gets, which is not that much, if I’m being honest.

Compared to blogs, where you should be able to charge $25 per 1,000 users who check out your content, that number starts to look really unimpressive.

Still, if you become popular, you should be able to earn profit in many different ways.

If video creation is one of your passions, and you’re willing to work hard, don’t let anyone stand in your way.

Offer transcription services

On the surface, it appears that just about anyone can listen to audio files and type what they’ve heard in a document.

Right now, I would usually tell you that it’s a lot more complicated than you might think, but the entry barrier here truthfully is set rather low.

Even if you do not have previous working experience in this business, you can test your skills in one of the major websites, such as Rev or GoTranscript, today.

The above-mentioned websites are pretty much the top of the hill when it comes to the rates they offer.

While the competition level is pretty steep and the waiting line to even get your first gig there may be long, once you get accepted, it will quickly pay off.

While the major websites usually offer anywhere from $20 to $30 an hour to their transcribers, most other companies will only dish out $5 to $10 per hour, which is quite a big difference.

The job itself can be rather tedious and repetitive, but as you can see from the mentioned rates, it can serve you as a great way to earn some decent pocket money.

Have you ever considered becoming a virtual assistant?

This is one of those jobs that didn’t even exist 20 years ago, but with the development of the internet, the world is becoming smaller by the day.

This means that you can use it to your advantage and find clients from around the globe.

Business people are often so busy nowadays that finding virtual assistants is a necessity, rather than a luxury.

If you consider yourself a reliable person who knows how to manage the tight deadlines and multitask, you might’ve found your calling.

Virtual assistants perform a whole array of tasks, including administrative work, customer support, scheduling, and even some blog or social media management when necessary.

A great thing about this position is that before you even start looking for clients, you get to determine the type of service you are willing to offer.

By doing this, you will be able to work within your comfort zone, while slowly introducing new services as you teach yourself.

But you don’t have to be a jack-of-all-trades.

If you happen to find your niche in offering a specific type of service, you can focus all of your attention on it, in order to master it as quickly as possible.

Once you gain the necessary experience, you will become a highly sought-after commodity.

While the need for virtual assistants is great, you don’t have to visit the job boards in order to find your potential clients. In fact, they can be everywhere.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to famous entrepreneurs or your local business owners who might need your services.

Once you establish a circle of trust between you and your client, you won’t have to look for work ever again.

If your clients are happy with the work you put in, they will gladly recommend you to their business associates, which means that you will be able to expand your business to a previously unexpected level.

There are examples where virtual assistants are making six-figure salaries, so don’t look down upon this line of work for one second.

Provide tutoring services

While most of the already mentioned jobs are intended for people over the age of 18, practically anyone who has specific knowledge on a chosen topic can become a tutor.

In the past, providing tutelage for your neighbor next door would bring you nothing more than a couple of bucks per session, but the situation has improved greatly with the development of online services.

Students are the ones who probably profit the most from this line of work.

There are plenty of websites that specialize in these services, and it’s up to you to select the one that suits you the most.

The process of signing up is very simple and it should take no more than a couple minutes.

I’ll be brutally honest here when I say that if you choose to offer tutoring services, be prepared to lower your rates significantly, until you gain some experience and notch together a couple of positive reviews.

With that in your bag, you will be able to raise the rates to $20+ an hour, which can be a huge sum of money for a college kid.

Even if you have a steady job, tutoring services can be a tremendous source of additional income, as the job itself is quite rewarding, and the paychecks aren’t all that bad either.

Rent your place on Airbnb

According to experts, websites like Airbnb are a lot more popular than hotels these days. It’s no wonder why that’s the case. With Airbnb, everything is out in the open.

The quality of your service, the accommodation you offer, and collaboration from the host are all taken into consideration.

Ultimately, the users get a chance to choose the option that works best for them. Compared to hotels, the biggest plus might be the affordability of these housing options.

But wait, how is this a great way to earn money?

Well, if you happen to own a property, or at least have a spare room in your home that you rarely get a chance to use, you can sign up and become an Airbnb host.

While not entirely passive, this can be a tremendous way to make a passive income and perhaps even meet some really cool people along the way.

Additionally, if you are willing to invest some time and money to make your accommodation stand out, as well as hire a professional photographer to make some awesome photos of your place, you should be able to charge decent rates for it.

If you wanted to find a proven way to make money on the side, this might be one of the best ways to do so.

Real estate crowdfunding can be very profitable

Anything that has the word real estate in it involves a lot of money, right?

Well, that’s not totally wrong. In order to get into the business of real estate crowdfunding, you do need to have some money stashed away on the side first.

I wouldn’t advise investing all of your life savings into it either, as you should always have your savings and investments diversified in different areas.

Still, the more you invest, the more you’ll be able to collect at the end.

At the very minimum, you will have to invest $500 to even join this conversation.

However, if you choose a reliable platform, such as Fundrise, which has millions of satisfied clients around the globe, your earning potential will increase quickly.

With annual reviews that range from 8 to 12%, crowdfunding remains a hassle-free way to make extra money.

Naturally, you will have to wait for some time before you’ll be able to reap the benefits of your smart investments, but ultimately, it can be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.

Final thoughts

As you can tell from this article, there are a number of different ways in which you can earn a decent paycheck on the internet.

I tried to make a list of the most surefire ways to make money online with no experience, but if I forgot to mention your favorite method, please let me know about it through the comment section.

I wish you the best of luck in using this modern money-making tool (the internet!) on your way to achieving your financial goals!

Peter is a serial entrepreneur and founder of DollarSanity blog who created and run a variety of businesses. You can learn more about him at the DollarSanity About me page.

I have been working as an IT professional in the USA for many years. Although I have been making thousands of dollars every month, I never had that peace of mind that I can retire with good wealth someday until I learned about how to earn money online, especially passive income. Let me explain to you how to Earn Money Online in 2021

We all are running a rat race. How many months you can run your family if you lose your job today? Think honestly for a minute.

All the billionaires in the world understood a simple fact that ‘creating wealth is million times better than getting rich‘.

The best way to do that is by creating multiple streams of passive income.

There seems to be no other more pleasing way to make money than having passive income flow in your balance every month. Passive income does not require your 24/7 work hours to get them.

You just have to take initiation at the beginning and let the money come to you.

So, rather than writing about some normal ways of earning money online, I am writing an article on the How to make money from Home, almost effortlessly.

Also, my special thanks to everyone who made my previous article 3 simple ways to get a free amazon gift carda super success. I’m glad that it helped thousands of readers.

Successful People Understand Basics First

First and foremost, I recommend you to understand some basic terms so that you will not lose money after putting a lot of hard work. I lost some money as I overlooked the basics.

What is Passive Income?

There are 3 types of incomes.

Active Income is the income you receive by providing a service. This includes salaries, wages, tips, commissions, and businesses in which your material participation is required. Active income is also called as earned income.

Portfolio Income is the income earned from investments, interest, dividends, and capital gains.

Passive Income is the income you receive on a regular basis with minimum or no effort. It would take quite some time and effort to build such an income stream. Passive income is also called “Lagged Income” for the same reason.

You have to commit your time and efforts up front. It’s like a tree. You water and nurture the plant for few months with no returns. Once it grows big and becomes a tree, you will get fruits with very less or no time to take care of that.

Let the roots be strong.

Examples of Passive Income :

Income earned from rents, profits of ownership from capital, interest earned from owning a financial asset, royalties from intellectual properties (books, videos, music etc) are some of the examples of passive income. To do more research, read investopedia’s articles about passive income.

20 Ways to Earn Money in 2021 (Passive Income)

All of the below techniques are time tested and few of them worked really good for me as well. I earn $76,000 per annum with some of the below techniques.

1. E-book Writer

Just like a book writer getting his/her money from royalties, an e-book writer can eventually enjoy the profit of work s/he had finished with the e-book. If you master particular topics on particular subjects, write down your findings into a book and get it published on the e-book market.

You are going to make money from the charge per download. If you are passionate about reading or writing, then read 2 Best Ways to Earn Money from Quora (with income proofs) as well

2. Real-Estate Investor

There is no doubt that investing in real estate will be able to offer you huge profits. Either you want to sell or rent properties, all the money will go straight to you without you having to work so much hard.

In addition, remember that each day more people are searching for shelter.

You don’t have to have thousands of dollars to start a real estate business. You can start with as little as $500. A company called Fundrise does all the heavy lifting for you.

That said, investing in real estate can be a long-term profit-making source. For more details, read How to start a real estate business with no money?

3. App Builder

You must have got this idea already. There is a lot of competition in the market with thousands of apps under each category in iPhones and Android phones.

One of my friends developed 12 mobile apps. 11 of them gave him just a couple of hundred dollars each profit. The 12th one made him a millionaire.

Do you know that Joel Comm made more $1 million profit from iFart app? We won’t even talk about the crazy money that apps like angry birds, tik-tok and PUBG are earning.

It may drain out all your sweat at the beginning, but as soon as your app gets downloaded by smartphone users, you have passive income flowing into your account.

It is certainly a business full of competition, but isn’t it our life actually is?

4. Blogger

You are incredibly lucky if blogging is one of your specialties. More people today quit their daily job to focus on their blog pages which are fortunately great sources of money. Those pages enable advertisements to share space where you get money from.

This is my favorite way of earning passive income. I own multiple blogs and earn passive income from various sources like google ads, local business ads, promoting brands etc. Read 5 Steps before you start a blog to work from home

5. Online Sellers

Build a website and sell your crafts on it. If people like your stuff, then you do not have to go anywhere but your home in order to make money. Passive income from this business can be really huge and appealing. Get your trending products on display, make a deal with customers, and you get your money. Read a detailed article I had written on 50 ways to promote your online business

6. Refer and Earn Life Long

There are numerous merchants or websites who will pay you for referring a customer to them. Referral could be as simple as installing an app with your unique promo code or promoting the brand in your social network.

The catch here is to find out companies who offer recurring referral income. You will get paid not only when the sale or installation is done, but also every time when the customer renews or upgrades his plan.

Recurring Refer and Earn Example : One of the best examples for recurring refer and earn program is selling insurance. Customers have to pay the term insurance every year or 6 months. Insurance companies pay high commission when the sale is made first time (first term) and lesser commission every time the customer renews.

Refer and Earn Sites List: I have prepared a list and sorted them on a category basis to make your life easier. See refer and earn sitesfor a list of companies who pay you for referring customers – one of the sure-shot ways to earn money in 2021.

7. Credit-Card Cash Back

Surprisingly, there are more people use cash back from payments they make via credit cards. The amount of profit can reach 5%. You can even get a bonus from card signup and grant you with even more profits without you having to feel tired.

Which idea do you like most? For questions or clarifications, comment below. I will surely reply to you.

8. Rent Extra Space and Car

Got an extra room or garage apartment or a tent? You can rent that and make some decent money. List your extra space through Airbnb.

You can rent out your car through a couple of websites depending on your country. Taxi and Uber drivers would be interested to rent your car on a daily or weekly basis. Read How to get a FREE CAR in India?


9. Sell Your Photos Online

Forget about getting only likes on social platforms. You can now make money by selling photos online.

You may not become a millionaire. But sites like Foap and Shutterstock will pay you $5 per photo.

You don’t need to be an expert photographer. You can just take some decent photos from a phone with a decent camera. People nowadays are more interested in natural looking photos more than perfect ones.

10. Setup Vending Machine

Invest some money (or take a bank loan) to set up a soda or snacks vending machine. You just need to reload the stock once in a couple of days. People will put money, get what they want and leave the place.

Although you may not make thousands of dollars per month, profit margins would be high. The maintenance costs are low.

Increase your earnings by setting up vending machines at busiest places like shopping malls, food courts, events etc.

11. Stick Ads on Your Car

You can consider the idea of slapping an ad on your car if you drive a lot. Earn $200 a month from platforms like Carvetise with no investment.

You just need to answer a few questions about your driving habits. You will have a better chance of getting selected if you live in a bigger city and drive a lot.

This idea might be perfect for you if you drive for uber or other ride-sharing services.

12. Make YouTube Videos

Do you have something that can go viral? Are you interested in sharing information about an event or topic?

Real Ways To Earn Money

Record some good videos and upload them on YouTube. Apply for monetization once you achieve the minimum YouTube guidelines.

You can earn $1000 to $3000 per million views depending on your country.

I personally know many people making this kind of income on a monthly basis.

13. Create Lead Generation Websites

Another interesting way to earn passive income is by creating lead generation websites. Lead generation websites exist to give leads to local businesses.

For example, create a good website to educate people on buying properties. Provide a contact form on the page if they are looking for any help.

You can now sell these leads to local real estate brokers. They will pay you money per lead and may pay you more if they get a sale.

You can also put some ads on your website to make extra money. You need to be at good at SEO to get your page on top of the search results or use paid advertising for that.

14. Lending Club Investor

It is a platform made for everybody to get loans from investors. Then how much do the investors get? Generally, an investor can gain profit from the interest rate on Lending Club. You can earn 10% per year from the interest rate.

15. Create Online Courses

Create online courses on the topics you are good at. There are few websites who will accept your courses after reviewing them, promote them and pay you good percentage of the amount being charged for those courses.

You need to be a professional expert to be accepted by these websites. Two of my friends are making good money by creating online courses on the trending topics like machine learning, artificial intelligence, DevOps and Digital Marketing.

Edureka, Coursera, Lynda, Teachable are some of the websites who are popular in online teaching. These platforms does all the heavy lifting for you. Your effort comes into picture only during preparation and recording of the videos.

Read free social media marketing courses for details on different types of courses available in the market.

16. Coupon Website

This is an easier variation of blogging. In blogging, you have to think of trending/interesting topics, do some research, and then write an informative article. But on a Coupon Website, you simply have to search and update the latest coupons and deals from popular E-Commerce stores. You will get an affiliate link from these stores. And whenever a visitor goes via your link and makes any purchase, you will earn an affiliate commission.

Although this system may feel a little complicated in the beginning, it is actually very easy and rewarding. All you have to do is install a coupon theme on your WordPress hosting.

They come pre-integrated with coupon feeds, so coupons and deals from popular online stores automatically get updated on your website every hour. The commissions are managed by affiliate networks, who collect all your earnings from various stores and pay you at the end of the month by keeping a small cut for themselves.

Conclusion :

I hope you found the ideas shared about “earn money in 2020” is useful. While all the above discussed ideas have a potential to generate high income, you need to choose an idea depending on your passion, knowledge and market of your country.

Which one of the above ideas looks best for you? Comment below.

Do you have questions? Post them under the comments section below. I will surely answer them.

[to be continued..]

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