Earn Money By Playing Games On Android 2018
- Which Android Game Gives Real Money
- Which Android Game Can Earn Money
- Earn Money By Playing Games On Android 2018
- How To Earn Money By Playing Games On Android
Inthis digital era, apps became so much important in our daily life.
Yougo on Instagram and can’t post your pictures without editing on VSCO orFacetune. You can’t listen to music without music apps.
Which Android Game Gives Real Money
Yourfavorite way of passing time is to play on video games on your phone. And somany other things, so how do these apps win money?
Buff Premium is our monthly subscription program. We have 3 different Premium types. Premium, Premium Plus, and Premium Elite. The Premium plan gives you special benefits – More Buff points every month, a boost for your earnings, exclusive Marketplace items, special raffles and promotions, a dedicated Discord channel, and more. Best Android games of 2018 Pocket City Not only is it offered at an upfront price, but there is also a limited free version for those that would like to test it out without spending any money.
Beforewe answer that question, you should know first that there are two types of appsIn the stores:
You’vegot free Mobile apps & paid mobile apps.
Todownload paid mobile apps you’ll need to invest a little bit of your money topay them. While free mobile apps are downloaded without any cost involved. Butyou might notice that they have a premium version that needs money.
Appsbeing more common these days and in this era, will certainly include them inthe “money-making business”. But mind you,not all apps make money, while some others make BILLIONS of dollars.
In2018, it’s been shown that adults consume 3.6 hours of their time on digitalmedia, and it’s on their phone to be exact. Nowadays desktops and laptops andevery other device that’s not a phone is trying to keep up with this rivalry.
Themobile market has known such an exceptional growth that everyone’s trying theirbest to get a piece of the same pie as well. Just in 2018 more than 50% ofwebsite traffic has been known to be mobile traffic.
Andif that doesn’t show how important the mobile industry is, then I don’t knowwhat will.
So now, let’s answer the main questionthat any app developer will ask, how do apps make money?
TheAndroid platform is certainly in the lead when it comes to the average salarydevelopers get paid. Android developers get paid on average $97.6k which is ahuge amount. The Android platform is considered “Top heavy” when it comes toearning and that’s why android app developers get paid so high.
Ifyou’re not working for android and just want to develop an android app byyourself, then this is how you’ll be able to earn money from them.
Nowit’s no surprise that this is the first one on the list because it’s the mostcommon way. Just like YouTube and blogs, the most common way to make money onthese three is to display ads.
But,being the most common way means it’s the least one to make money. To make a lotof money through ads on your app you’ll have to drive very high traffic. Thishigh traffic is the one that will see your ads and in turn, will help yougenerate money from them.
Which Android Game Can Earn Money
Hereis every different type of ads you can use on your app:
- Video Ads:
Which are the most common way of advertising, and the most interesting ones. Ads are displayed on your app for a matter of seconds. And you either get paid by PPV or CPC, PPV is for views, and CPC is for clicks. - Banner Ads:
These come in a rectangular graphic shape and are displayed in every place possible, whether it’s the side, the bottom, the top etc. You’ve got three ways of payment with these banner ads, either cost per impression, cost per click or cost per action. - Interstitial Ads:
These ads show up between activities or in each pause between levels. And they usually take up and cover the full screen.
CPI or Cost Per Install
Costper install is exactly what it seems, every time someone installs appsadvertised on your app, you get a commission, it actually pays very well on thecontrary of pay per click or per view, which offers a pay no that exciting.
Thepricing for CPI ranges from $0.80 to $3.00, so if you choose this kind ofpayment, every time someone installs an app displayed on your app, the app willpay you in this range of payment.
CPIis a very new marketing mechanism, so there’s not a lot of companies who payper installation, but there are a lot of new CPI companies that are now showingup. So if you’re interested in this method you can discuss with them the priceand what you’re interested in.
Justlike the world of Youtube and blogs, one of the most high-paying ways to earnmoney from apps is by winning a sponsorship. You get paid up front and youoffer your users another great app or website that is very useful.
Toland a sponsor you either approach the company, and suggest them your app ideaand your business plan, or the sponsor will approach you if your app getrecognition and exposure.
Soif you’re able to come up with a great business plan and a great app that willdrive traffic and be addictive, then landing sponsorship will be an easy deal.But on the other hand, if the idea behind your app is quite normal and isn’tthat interesting and won’t land much traffic, then getting a sponsor can bevery hard.
Earn Money By Playing Games On Android 2018
Freemium strategy
TheFreemium strategy is a very common one, and it’s actually the most interestingone. The freemium strategy is creating a free app that doesn’t require money tobe downloaded, but that has a paid version of it.
Ifyou do this strategy then you’ll enable users to get a sense of what your appis about and what it offers, this way they’ll be more encouraged to spend moneyon the paid version. The paid version usually is more interesting than the freeone.
Youget access to more functionality in the game or app and everything becomes muchclearer, it’s an upgraded version. So you’ll more likely to win big bucks fromthis strategy than display ads.
In-App Purchases
Haveyou ever played those games on Facebook? Where everything is free until youwant to level up or buy something nice and don’t have enough money on the game.Then they’ll ask you to buy more coins for such a symbolic number, do youremember now?
That’swhat In-App purchases is, you can purchase more money or things or unlock morefeatures if you pay $2 for example. I remember Hay Day putting the same concepteach time I tried to build something and found I didn’t have enough elements inmy inventory. They’d ask me if I want to buy ‘this’ for ‘this price’ so I cancomplete building.
Now,this is for those who want to create a paid app, this means anyone who isinterested should pay a monthly fee for your app’s services. Although this is avery great way to make money and can certainly help you rack so much revenue.It’s not that easy to implement.
Forpeople to pay money without trying your app or without your app being so famousand has high traffic already, it’ll be really hard to convince them to pay youfor downloading your app.
Soyou’ll need to have an AMAZING idea for your app for this to happen. Or canoffer a free trial before trying the paid version.
How To Earn Money By Playing Games On Android
Andthat’s how you’ll be able to earn money from your app if you’ve got othersuggestions to leave them in the comment.